A less stressful approach to survive the pandemic

The 2020 pandemic has wrought myriad changes to most people in a pervasive, intrusive and economically devastating wave. Even though some people’s lives are hardly affected by it, I believe there is something left to be said on how to face this challenge with a positive attitude. In order to survive this pandemic, the mindset which is malleable, if changed, can help one to come out of it in a way that the damage can be minimized. The idea of settling for second best has been frowned upon generally. This is not to say that we should settle for second best in terms of finding a spouse, or even in looking for a different god. I mean to say that we can settle for second best things in life that have a temporal value- like jobs, clothes, furniture, cars, etc. Yes, the materialistic world can be enough for us if we just settle for the second best during this period. This is also not to say that we should stop being generous and help people who are truly in need. This method of easing up on our lifestyle can open channels for you to be a shelter for others who need it during this time. This mindset can set one free from comparison, from unnecessary stress and from our own expectations. It doesn’t have to be second best, it can be third best or fourth best, and so on. The idea is to be more flexible in one’s choices on things that one spends on.

If this pandemic is causing you to have difficulty getting that dream job you always wanted, and you know this difficulty will last as long as the stay home orders exist, why not settle for the second best job?

If you foresee that the economy is crashing and in a recession, why not buy a second best item instead and save hundreds or thousands of dollars?

A second best job can be temporary, and it will be better than being jobless for months. You can also use the money you earned from this second best job to feed into your assets and let them grow more. Is the earnings from the best job so much better that is why it is the best? Then fret not, cut down your spendings and readjust your expectations. Working a second best job can provide insight and a reflective experience on why you would want the best job available, and if you truly would want it. The second best job could even end up being your dream job one day. I am holding the definition of the second best job quite loosely, but I mean it is the job that you can do right now that is available, that wants you and makes the most of your abilities/experience/training. It is not the second job you have tried for an interview.

An item’s intrinsic value lies in how much that item can be used, how durable it will be, how versatile it can be, but the extrinsic value is how pleasing it is to the eye. There is often a mismatch on an item’s intrinsic and extrinsic value. This calls for a compromise. To lower your extrinsic expectation of an item if it meets your expectation intrinsically. Extrinsic values are often influenced by the culture, social media and people around us. How often we have a hard time deciding on things in the house such as furniture just based on the looks instead of the already present function? How often we worry about what others will think or comment? Are we paying for their praises when we purchase something that will have heaps of compliments? Or are we buying something because we truly need it?

To have a less stressful approach to the pandemic, we need to ease up on our expectations of ourselves and of our belongings to compete or match up to the rest of the world. If you are working during this pandemic, give yourself a pat on the back. You are also a hero if you are a homemaker, or stay at home Dad, even if you are not earning income but contributing to the family. To have this eased up mindset does not mean that we totally let go and relieve ourselves of our responsibilities to our families and to society. No, we continue to contribute to our family and to society in ways that we can. By knowing that we are contributing in ways, that even if it is small ways, it is a big win to our psyche. Do something daily that contribute to a better future for yourself, for your family, or to the society. It can be something very simple. But it is the small things in life that all add up to an honorable life.

During this time, fill your mind with good books, good knowledge and good ideas. Limit social media and news as much as you can, if you need to, block it from your web browser if you are spending way too much time on it. This will help your mind to continue to grow in a positive way that is not dragged down by the negativity or comparisons. Nurture your time with God during this time, and tell Him your thoughts and doubts, worries and concerns, but also worship Him as He truly deserves.

Jesus was born in a manger, worked as a carpenter, lived a truly bare simple life. No fancy chariots have he ridden, but on the back of a colt. Mighty God became flesh and died on the cross for our sins and he resurrected to give us everlasting life. He influenced and changed so many lives during his short time on earth, he lived for the will of God, for people’s souls, not for his own riches or power. He lived a humble yet mighty powerful life, full of the glory of God. Joy and peace is with Him. I believe that if you have Jesus, you have enough to live on. Read his word daily to feed your soul that was created to have him fill up. Youtube can’t satisfy you. Netflix can’t satisfy you. Disneyplus can’t satisfy you. I’m not saying that we cannot watch those shows, there are many nice shows out there that can refresh us, but only God can satisfy and give you meaning and hope. Not things. Not by living up to people’s unrealistic expectations. Not by outshining others with our lifestyle.

By living a life of contentment of what we have, using what we can find, and living with a mindset that we have value and we can bring value to our homes, our families, our society; who needs things to give us value?






以赛亚书第一章,21 至27 节

查经博客-- 个人想法:

这段经文论道了犹大和耶路撒冷 (以色列)在那段皇朝的堕落。

美丽的城市变得丑陋- 因为没了公平,他们变得污秽,价值贬低了。



忽略该帮助的人, 不理受屈或需要帮助的无奈人。






  • 在这段经文里,以赛亚先知继续向犹大和耶路撒冷说出神的信息。
  • 犹大与耶路撒冷被比喻成所多玛和蛾摩拉--这两个败坏而遭摧毁的城市。
  • 犹大于耶路撒冷的官长和百姓被比喻成所多玛和蛾摩拉的官长和百姓。
  • 神要他们听耶和华的话侧耳听神的训诲。
  • 耶和华对他们说,祂其实不喜欢他们的许许多多祭物,燔祭,供物,香品,甚至十条诫命里的安息日,神也不喜悦他们的守会。因为他们一边作罪孽,一边奉献, 神不只心里恨恶,觉得麻烦,不耐烦,不能容忍,神憎恶他们的奉献。
  • 神不听他们的祷告因为他们的手满了杀人的血。 这让我想起耶稣所说的,我们若不赦免他人的罪,天父就不能赦免我们的罪,我们若不从罪中悔改,继续犯罪,那我们的祷告就不被神悦纳。
  • 神就叫这些百姓要悔改,洗净自己,行正义的事,自洁,不占染罪的朱红,此住作恶。
  • 所以他们得学如何行善。学习是重点,包涵着还不懂得如何行善的意思。
  • 他们也的寻求公平。做事时要显出公平。
  • 他们得解决与救那些被欺压的人。
  • 他们得给孤儿伸冤。
  • 他们得为寡妇辩屈。
  • 意思是-他们得帮助那些没有能力帮助自己的人,那些容易受委屈的人,那些被社会遗忘的人,不受欢迎,不容易帮助的人,有时帮这些人可能会惹麻烦,但他们被神呼召做这些善事。
  • 神的赦免的力量就是如此伟大- 朱红成雪白,一定会被洗的干干净净毫无蛛丝。
  • 神的赦免是完全的。
  • 神要百姓们听从行以上祂所吩咐的。若悖逆的话, 必定受刑罚。


  • 我是否一边口口声声说自己是基督徒,每个礼拜去教会,每个月奉献金钱,但心不对,没有向神虔诚,内心与行为不一致?我是否怀着不对的态度,草草了之?忘了这些背后的种种意义?
  • 如果我的心所想的,生活所度过的日子,在每天生活里的行为不讨神喜悦,那我向神的奉献就会变得没有意义。
  • 我有否有罪没认,没悔改,心中怀愁恨苦毒,这样的我哪里能够与神有个诚实的关系?我的祷告必就变成许多的要求,而不是与神建立关系。
  • 行善是什麽?这个社会里看重的与神看重的不一样。神是大有怜悯,爱人,有公义的神。祂关心人,要保护微弱的人。行善并不是做一些”好事“。对的事本是我们的责任去行。并不是什么伟大值得赞美得奖的。行善是帮助那些没法得到大众帮忙的人,被忽略的人。求神帮助我们大家能行善而不是为了得到赞赏而去行,是不求任何回报的,是寻求公义的彰显。
  • 神是伟大的神。我罪虽多,但耶稣的血涂抹,洗净我的罪孽,我应当常常记住,常常感恩,记住自己的救恩是如何的宝贵,不能轻看这新生命。


这是我个人的笔记,关于这段经文的查经 (查经博客):

这段经文是以赛亚 先知(亚摩斯的儿子)在犹大皇朝的时候(从乌西雅王,约坦王,亚哈斯王,希西家王),关于犹大和耶路撒冷的默示 (从神给以赛亚的默示,所论到的)。

  • 神所养育的民悖逆了神,甚至不认识,不留意神
  • 神所爱的百姓犯着种种的罪,又行恶,又做败坏的事,离弃了神--那位创造天地的主宰,那位爱他们,帮助他们的神圣者,名叫耶和华的主。他们藐视神,轻看神,不和神维持关系,甚至向神转了背,抛弃了神。
  • 问题是,为什么这些百姓要一次又一次的悖逆,虽然他们已受到责打,满身伤痕了,却没学习,还继续犯错,连全身(从心里的,到身上的)的伤口开着,发着炎,没有任何清洗或包裹伤口?他们为何没学会离开罪恶? 他们为何如此倔强地悖逆?
  • 直到他们的国家,城市都背外地敌人所摧毁,侵吞,变成一地荒凉。
  • 但因着耶和华-那万军之王,万国之王,为祂的百姓,伤祂心的百姓,稍留了一些生还者,若不是神为犹大和耶路撒冷留下这些生还者,犹大和耶路撒冷早就被完全消灭,不再存在,成为历史那完全摧毁消灭的国土,没有了今天。


  • 信耶稣的我是神的国民。我有否悖逆神,伤神的心,但还继续犯错,没学习教训吗?
  • 是因为神的怜悯,神的恩典,我才能存活,我才有罪被赦免,才有永生的盼望,有今天的成就/福气/恩典/平安喜乐。


  • 以赛亚先知的父亲是亚玛谢犹大王的兄弟。这样一来,以赛亚是犹大皇朝里的亲戚。
  • 以赛亚的太太是位女先知,并有儿子名叫施亚雅述,另儿子神为他取名叫玛黑珥沙拉勒哈施罢斯,还有女儿(7:3,8:3,18)
  • 以赛亚先知如何地死,我迟些才说
  • 当乌西雅王死的那年(~公元前740年)(7:1)以赛亚被神呼召开始了神所差遣先知的事工。
  • 乌西雅王 (亚玛谢王的儿子- Ozias-Uzziah.jpg
  • 约坦王 (乌西雅王的儿子)Joatham rex.jpg
  • 亚哈斯王 (约坦王的儿子)File:Ahaz.png
  • 希西家王 (亚哈斯王的儿子)File:Ezechias-Hezekiah.jpg



Bubble gum day

Finally I’m chewing some bubble gum, as some people say, it will help you to concentrate on your studying. It does actually.

Coffee is being digested currently.

Wondered why I can be so absorbed into my bubble of studying that the world and everything just seems so far away right now.

If studying the human body is like measuring a bowl of water, then studying the human mind can be akin to measuring an ocean. It is so complicated. Period.

I wish I can make an overwhelmed face right now. Being here at the lounge of my apt, seeing other studious students mugging does help me to know that I’m not alone. So I went into blogging, seemingly a venue for me to talk to a thing. Note- a thing is not  animate. I did talk to some living creatures today. Like God, and maybe just Joseph.

I realised I need to talk, if not I will feel suffocated.

Yakkky yakky yak yak yak. Someone should invent a talk machine. Oh yes, I’m reminded that there is Siri on my phone. haha. Ridiculous. Perhaps I’ll dream about talking tonight. Studying needs perseverance. Today i read that all hard work brings a profit but mere talk leads to poverty, in a bible verse.

Proverbs 14:23 (NIV)

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

I realised my mind is rather mediocre. Off I go again to study, so that I can upgrade a little for my knowledge, hopefully to impress my teachers tomorrow. Shrugs. Nice study break, bragging about nonsense here.

Thinking about the folks in the rehab home, they really do lack meaningful activities and socialization. It must be really hard being where they are, day in and out, with the same old routines and times packed with boredom or TV. TV is really not a good solution to boredom in these places. I’m sure they have some rehab activities some time, but I guess the lack of staff and the lack of time to spend with them may not help much for them to find meaning in those activities. Is there any system that will be sustainable for such circumstances where the lack of resources exist but are still able to create more meaning in their lives? It is really hard and I really wonder what else can be done……

Hope when there is nothing

It’s another sleepless night.

In the long night of life, how many souls there are out there, waiting for an answer to something? Some may want to know about whether a loved one can survive an operation or a life threatening illness. Some may be waiting behind bars, waiting for their death sentence to arrive the next day. Some may wait for exam results , a path that will determine their years to come. Lucky ones may wait for tomorrow, for a trip they have long been planning for. Some are praying, some are crying and some are clueless about what to do. There are also some, who can only hope, after all, there is nothing left that they can do about it.

These people are a peculiar group, whom others consider naive or even ancient. However, this group of people never forget to send their hopes to up above to their God in Heaven, knowing that it is His will that matters, it is His purpose that prevail, and it is His plan that is above theirs. They waited silently, amidst the growling voices of demons around them, ignoring the snickers, jeers, and discouraging disdains thrown at them. They seemed to be deaf to those noises, because of a substance called Faith. Fixing their inner spirits on God’s Love for them, knowing that whatever it will be, God will make good come out of it, even if it is something that they are afraid of. Even if it is disappointing, they know that God will make it for a good purpose. And so they hope in that. Not in what they want it to be, but in what they Hope God will provide.

There was no answer that night. But there was a certain sort of peace, that comes from above. They know that there is a God above- Jesus who loved them with such a strong love, died and resurrected for them. In Him they are conquerors, though they may fail by worldly standards. They know that they are wanted and precious in His sight, even though they may be unwanted by the world. They know that Jesus sees not their physical appearances, but rather their hearts and their actions.

This Hope carries them through the night. Their hearts filled with praises to the Holy One, they are united in one Spirit and they remember each other in their prayers.

God watches.
God listens.
God knows.
God will provide.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13,( NIV)

Psalms 61 (KJV):

Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah. For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the heritage fo those that fear thy name. Thou wilt prolong the king’s life: and his years as many generations. He shall abide before God for ever: O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him. So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows.

Psalms 62 (KJV): 5

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him.

Rainbow rose versus red rose


Just a very random thought today.

If you can be a rainbow rose or a red rose, which will you be? Aesthetically, the rainbow rose looks refreshing and interesting and is nice for a first few glances. But the red rose is the one that will enthrall you truly in its beauty.

Had a class today that had talked about people with different races in the family that they are brought up in. Liked an African American father who had a son who looked white, due to his mom’s ?Spanish race. Issues that relate to different culture within the family and also on the tensions that may exist due to the racial history that each group has.

I just feel that a red rose is definitely more beautiful than a rainbow rose.
Just being yourself, just being who you are, who God created you to be is really the best that you can ever be.

It reminds me of my wanting to dye my hair to cover my gray hairs (but that is a sign of ageing, it will be nice to dye some natural colours, lol).

But a rainbow rose has its own unique beauty too, but in an artificial way.

Just like a red rose that will benefit from grooming, I believe that grooming enhances our well-being. But plastic surgery will give us another kind of beauty. It all lies in the eye of the beholder anyway.

No matter the rose is a red, white, black (yes they do exist!), or any colour, all are wonderful creations of God. Just like we all, no matter what culture or race we have, we should just delight in who we are, and our roots.

PIlgrim’s chorus

Thanks Flylady for recommending this.

Pilgrim’s Chorus

Once more with joy O my home I may meet
Once more ye fair, flowr’y meadows I greet
My Pilgrim’s staff henceforth may rest
Since Heaven’s sweet peace is within my breast.

The sinner’s ‘plaint on high was heard
On high was heard and answered by the Lord
The tears I laid before His shrine
Are turned to hope and joy divine.

O Lord eternal praise be Thine!

The blessed source of Thy mercy overflowing
On souls repetant seek Ye, all-knowing
Of hell and death, I have no fear
For thou my Lord are ever near


          Alleluia! For evermore

Soft skill that I lack

Been reading an article printed out by a Church pastor: Speaking the Truth in Love by Marion Clark.

Among all the soft skills, I think that speaking the truth in love is the hardest to learn and to practice. It is different from all other soft skills, which can be easily feigned. But this skill is sincere, comes from a genuine heart of love in situations where it can be hard to love others.

Really glad to come across this in Tenth Presbyterian Church.

Afflictions amid blessings

“But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” -2 Timothy 4:5

God has been blessing me greatly, wiith nothing that I lack. When reading this verse, I was reminded of how Timothy and Paul suffered for the sake of the gospel. I am kept so comfortable here, yet doing not as much for the sake of the gospel. 

How can I endure afflictions while being blessed.. Have thought of some ideas.

Planning on eating less expensive food or home cooked food or leftovers so as to save money in order to do more.

Time as a resource should try to be used for his kingdom more- within myself and for spreading to others.

Curb the desires of the flesh or sinful nature, not what I want but what the Lord will want- a kind of affliction too but not that bad.

Standing up for the truth when met with oppositions or false teaching, yet being gentle and speaking the truth in love.

The Lord is good and He is worth our lives.